Features and Selection of Chiffon Fabric

Features of chiffon Chiffon is light and transparent, soft and elastic; The appearance is light and elegant, with good air permeability and drapability; The clothes are elegant and comfortable, and the upper part of the body is elegant, charming, solemn and elegant; Good wear resistance, not easy to pilling, stable size, not easy to wrinkle; Adopt environment-friendly dyeing and anti-static processing; It is elegant and cool.


Which is better, jacquard fabric or pure cotton

Jacquard fabric and pure cotton fabric are two completely different fabric materials, so each has its advantages and disadvantages, which is not easy to compare.


Five Different Weaving Modes of Woven Fabrics

In fact, at present, many fabrics in the domestic market are woven fabrics. Because of its many advantages, it is welcomed by many consumers. The so-called woven fabric is actually a fabric formed by vertically interweaving warp and weft. Next, I would like to share some different ways of organizing this fabric.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of polyester fabric

1. Polyester fabric has the advantages of firmness and durability, wrinkle resistance, no ironing, no deformation, strong thermoplasticity, no fear of mold, and no fear of insects. The disadvantage is that the moisture absorption is poor. Wearing it in summer feels stuffy and hot. At the same time, it is easy to carry static electricity in winter, which affects the comfort.


The difference between knitting and tatting

1. The weaving method is different. Woven fabric is interwoven by warp and weft, so there are two directions: warp and weft. Knitting is formed by continuous splicing of a coil, so it has certain elasticity.


What is the composition of knitted fabric

Knitted fabrics are made of many ingredients, such as polyester, nylon, vinylon, spandex, cotton yarn, polypropylene fiber, wool yarn, etc., as well as cotton, wool, silk, hemp, chemical fiber and their blends. Generally, it has good elasticity and extensibility. The fabric is soft, firm and wrinkle resistant. It has a strong sense of wool shape and is easy to wash and dry. However, its hygroscopicity is poor, the fabric is not neat enough, and it is easy to detach and curl, and the chemical fiber fabric is easy to fuzz, pilling and crochet.


Autumn must-have item - knitted cardigan

Autumn is the most comfortable season, but it has a lot of time. It’s so cold that it’s cold in the late autumn. Are the little fairies ready for the "equipment" of the fall? It’s okay to be unprepared. Today’s Xiaobian is a versatile jacket for everyone, it’s a knit cardigan For small people under 160, it is best to choose a knit cardigan in a short type. The short one can properly lengthen the upper and lower body proportions so that you don't appear too short.This year, pumpkin color is very popular. The pumpkin color looks warm and literary. It is suitable for the cool autumn. In the early autumn, an orange short knit cardigan is casual and eye-catching. It is a very good choice for small people.


Autumn and winter fabric purchase season has begun

Asusual,theprocurementcycleforwinterfabricsstartsattheendofAugusteachyear.Asaresult,terminaldemandincreasedfromSeptembertoOctober,andthecorrespondingpolyesterfilamentproductionandsalesrebounded,andpricesalsorose.Therefore,usuallyfromSeptembertoOctober.Itiscalled"GoldSeptemberandSilver10",butinrecentyears,thetrendofthepeakseasonhasbecomelessandlessobvious. InSeptember,thepolyesterfilamentmarketshowedaninverted"V"trend.TakingPOY150D/48Fasanexample,theaveragepriceinSeptemberwas7,755yuan/ton,adropof2.15%month-on-monthand34.52%year-on-year.Attheendofthemonth,thepolyesterfilamentmarketwasdesertedandthecompany'sinventorywasunderpressure.Mostbombingandweavingcompaniesarealsofacingdistresseddemand.Toreducesupplypressure,theyplantoreduceoravoidrisksduringNationalDay.Increaseprofitsandeasethepressureoninventory,buttheeffectofthetwowavesofimprovementisnotgreat.Theproductionandsalesofpolyesterarestillsluggish,andthefocusoftransactionscontinuestodecline.  DuringtheNationalDay,productionandsalesofpolyesterfilamentsweresluggish.ItisreportedthatthemarketwasbasicallyinavacuuminthethreedaysbeforetheNationalDayholiday.Afterhalftheholiday,themarket'sinquiryatmospheregraduallyincreased,buttherewerefewtransactions.Holidaybusinessinventoryincreasedslightly,POYinventoryincreased.Within4days,FDYinventoryincreasedby5-6days.Aftertheholidays,thepolyesteryarncompanyopenedapromotionmodel,andtherewasacertainreplenishmentdemanddownstream.Theproductionandsalesvolumeincreasedslightlyonthatday,withthehighendintherangeof300%-400%.However,thegoodsituationisnotlong,thedemandterminallackssupport,andtheproductionandsalesofpolyesterfilamentshavedeclinedrapidly.  Thedeclineinproductionandsalesisrelatedtotheincreaseininventory.Asshown,polyesterinventoryhasbeenincreasingsinceSeptember,andinventorycontinuedtoincreaseinOctober.Atpresent,POYinventoryismainlywithin7-12days,andFDYinventoryismainlywithin10-15days.DTYinventoryismainlywithin20-25days.Thebacklogofinventorywillcauseashortageoffunds,andthecompanyisforcedtoprovidepreferentialfundstowithdrawfunds.Themarketisnowinaviciouscycle. Someinsidersreportthatwinterpurchaseordersarenearingcompletionandspringordershavegraduallyopened.However,polyester,weavingandgreyfabricsareinhighinventoryandthereisashortageofdownstreamfunding.Itistemporarilyunabletopurchaselargequantitiesofrawmaterials.Therefore,thepolyesterfilamentmarketislikelytobecoolinOctober.Cool,itisexpectedthatthepromotionwillcontinue.


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